Three meals a day

Monday, November 03, 2008

TITLE - Why John McCain should be president

THESIS - I believe John McCain would be the best choice for president in 2008 because he is experienced, ready to lead and a true American hero.

In the up-coming 2008 election, two men are running for the right to lead the country. They are: Barack Obama (if he is elected he will become the first black person to be voted into presidency), and John McCain. I believe John McCain would be the best choice for president in 2008 because he is experienced, ready to lead and a true American hero.

I believe John McCain should be president because he has had extensive leadership experience. McCain has been a U.S. Senator from Arizona since 1987. As a senator, McCain is the ranking member (most senior member) of both the Senate Committee on Armed Services as well as the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, and the former chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs. As a Senator, John McCain has been responsible for many laws, including the famous McCain-Feingold. This law is about campaigning and it is the law which makes politicians say, “I’m name of candidate, and I approve this message” at the end of commercial ads. Previous to his work as a Senator, McCain was a U.S. Representative for Arizona from 1983-87. John McCain has already been Republican primary candidate for President in 2000; he was National Security Adviser to the Dole/Kemp Presidential Campaign in 1996. Barack Obama has had SOME experience, but not as much as McCain. Obama was an attorney, an Illinois State Senator for eight years, and a U.S. Senator from Illinois since 2005 but John McCain has had far more leadership experience than Barack Obama.

Based on his leadership experience in paragraph one, John McCain is ready to lead now – he knows what to do when the country is in crisis, like it is now. With the DOW and other major stock markets plummeting, we need someone to do something about it. America needs somebody that already has experience and knows what to do from day one of his presidential term. Any mistakes from being inexperienced could be crucial. It could cause the end of the war in Iraq (which is what some people want), with us on the losing side. That is why we need John McCain for president. He believes that winning the war in Iraq is crucial to keeping America safe from any further attacks similar to 911. He also states that we should increase security along America’s borders to keep illegal immigrants from bringing in illegal drugs and weapons. Having Obama as president could be critical. Obama believes that we should end the war in Iraq for America’s safety; Obama also believes that we should allow immigrants to come as they please, that would allow terrorists to come into America and devastate many more American citizens.

Americans admire presidential heroes like George Washington and Teddy Roosevelt and John McCain is another true American hero. He was a fighter pilot during the Vietnam War. He flew combat missions over land. He was on one mission when he had to bail out after a SAM (Surface to Air Missile) blew the right wing off his plane. He landed in a lake, right in the corner of Hanoi, one they called the Western Lake, with his right leg broken near the knee, his right arm broken in three different places, and his left arm. He was taken prisoner by southern Vietnamese, held hostage for over three years, given hardly any medical treatment until he gave government secrets, beaten daily, tortured by having his thumb nails bent back and the skin underneath burnt, and forced into saying false things about his country and its leaders until the end of the war. He has military experience and knows what to do with the war in Iraq. Obama has had no fighting experience at all and would need training on what to do about the war in Iraq.

Of course, not everyone wants John McCain as president. One of the reasons for not wanting him is because of his age. He’s 72 years old and he would be the oldest president if elected. Well being old has given him the advantage of learning more. He’s had more time to learn than Obama and this is another way of saying McCain is more experienced. Another reason people don’t want John McCain as president is they say that voting for him is like giving George Bush a third term. This means that he and Bush are similar in the way they would lead the country. But McCain is known as an independent maverick. He and Bush are both Republicans but they were fierce rivals in the 2000 primary and nobody thought they were the same then. Finally, the main reason for supporting Obama is CHANGE. But no matter who is elected, there will be change, no matter what because we are electing a new president.

In conclusion I believe John McCain should be president of the United States of America. I believe John McCain would be the best choice for president in 2008 because he is experienced, ready to lead and a true American hero.
